
The best damn waste of time!

New Features

Total posts: 2394
I noticed that any quotes from old posts were replaced with double quotes for some reason.  This was borking all the hidden buttons.  Anyhow, I ran a script to fix the double quotes, so those should work for the most part.

I guess to do is to add the hidden button feature back. :)  I can't remember how it worked in old 409, but I can try to implement something.
Total posts: 2394
(Updated 2/22/2018 1:48 AM)
  • Added existing image list to "Upload Image" page
  • Uploaded image is auto selected for preview
  • Added ability to delete images
    • Note:  Any references to deleted images will be broken.
  • fixed Minor layout issues
Will work on being able to select the image from the list when embedding next.

Also, an update for v2.2.0: I created two Azure WebJobs to index posts and threads daily at 3am EST.  So posts from the current day won't show up in search results until the next day.

Also, more ideas:
  • Logged in user list
  • Some kind of indicator notifying you that you have unread posts in other forums
  • pop up notification messages (instead of embedded message strings)
  • Migrate old 409 image data to azure and redirect old links to the new storage (or run a script to update the links).
Total posts: 2394
(Updated 2/28/2018 8:56 PM)
  • Fixed scroll to search result for unauthenticated users (edit: had to deploy one more fix for reverse post order)
  • Correctly populate post counts when navigating from search results
  • Added error handling to search
  • Cleaned up thread view code
  • Made "search" label clickable, and don't perform search if no search text entered
  • Set tab name to thread name instead of "View"
Total posts: 2394
  • Correctly mark pages as unread if there are posts that are unread (even if a new page was added since you last read the previous page)
  • Fixed the scroll to post (again)
Total posts: 2394
  • Optimized thread list to only query for post ids if there are unread threads in the page
Total posts: 2394
(Updated 3/8/2018 8:19 PM)
  • toast alerts for most success/fail messages
    • success messages auto dismiss
    • error messages stay there until clicked/action taken again
  • embedded select existing / upload new image into toolbar
  • made more calls ajaxy
  • reorganized js files and bundles
I'd like to work on the following next:
  • Edit post in place
  • Show create post window at top or bottom based on user preference
  • Logged in user list
  • Upgrade to Asp.Net Core
  • Upgrade nuget packages for a lot of 3rd party packages I use
Total posts: 2394
I had made a minor CSS change to center avatars vertically, but realized later that it caused them to show even in the mobile version.  I'll try to fix that sometime this weekend.
Total posts: 2394
I increased the remember me timeout to be 2 weeks instead of 2 days.  I found myself having to login more often than not on different devices.  Hopefully this will minimize that.